Pilates, pioneered by the late Joseph Pilates, is a mind-body exercise system designed to optimise physical fitness in people at every level of physical ability. Joseph Pilates (1880–1967) was a German expatriate who first made his mark in England during WWI by developing a series of exercises and innovative equipment to help prisoners of war regain strength and mobility. When Joseph Pilates immigrated to New York, the local professional dance community discovered that his conditioning technique, called ‘Contrology’ helped prevent injury and improve strength while maintaining long, even muscle tone.g
In some respects Pilates is like Yoga. Both are considered mind-body methods of movement; both emphasise deep breathing and smooth, long movements that encourage the mind-body connection. The difference is that while Yoga requires moving from one posture to the next, Pilates flows through a series of movements that are dynamic, systematic and anatomically-based often incorporating resistance equipment. The goal with Pilates exercise is to strengthen the postural muscles while achieving optimal functional fitness.